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Children are welcome to attend certain aspects of ASCE conferences as indicated in the event specific registration materials. *

Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless

All ASCE events and activities are purely voluntary activities, and attendees are fully responsible for their own conduct and wellbeing, including, and without limitation, determining their level of fitness to take part in any such event or activity. In participating in any event or activity, attendees shall be deemed to understand and accept all risk of possible physical injury that might occur as a result of such participation. Attendees agree to release and hold harmless ASCE and its affiliates, employees, officers, directors, representatives, and agents from any and all alleged and/or actual liability, claims, actions, lawsuits, damages, or losses, of any kind which arise out of or result from attendance at and participation in the conference.*

Code of Conduct:

At all ASCE events, we are committed to:

  • incorporating the highest standards of professional integrity, dignity, fairness, justice, and respect for everyone, regardless of identity.
  • ensuring a safe, affirming, and inclusive space for our event participants, staff, volunteers, and all other stakeholders.
  • ensuring that all participants treat each other with respect, dignity, and consideration to create a collegial and safe professional environment where harassment and discrimination is NEVER tolerated at events, or on social media or other online platforms.

Harassment includes (but is not limited to) comments using demeaning, derogatory or discriminatory language; comments intended to cause offense or harm to others; deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, or harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome attention.

Respectful interactions among participants means interacting in an appropriate and professional manner that includes communication via email and online platforms associated with the event and social media.

We expect all participants to follow this Code of Conduct at all ASCE meetings, events, and activities, including the event venue, any external venue affiliated with ASCE and/or ASCE social events. *

Distribution of Literature or Promotional Information

Distribution of literature, samples, or other promotional material by attendees is prohibited without prior permission by ASCE. Any attendee found to be distributing literature without prior approval may be asked to leave the show. Exhibitors may distribute literature, samples, and materials only within the confines of their rented booth space, except with prior permission from ASCE. *

Exhibit Setup/Breakdown

Non-exhibitor attendees are prohibited on the exhibit hall floor during setup and breakdown.

Information Collected by ASCE

ASCE uses the information you provide to administer your registration and to keep you apprised of conference information and related products and services. The name, job title, company information, and mailing address of registrants are also included in the conference attendee list that is provided to sponsors and included in the conference app. For more information, see our Privacy Policy. *

NDAA Section 889 Acknowledgement

ASCE affirms that it does not use any equipment, system or service that is precluded by Section 889(a)(1)(B) of National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Using Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.

If the Federal Agency’s Office of Procurement requires a Vendor Certification to be completed and returned in order to move forward with a contract award and/or payment please contact [email protected]. *

Non-Discrimination Statement

As outlined in ASCE’s governing documents, ASCE functions and activities are intended to foster the expression and exchange of engineering ideas by all members, regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disabilities, or any other reason not related to scientific or technical merit. It is the responsibility of all participants and guests to conduct themselves in a professional manner in which all persons are treated with dignity and respect.*

Photo and Video Recording of Sessions

ASCE may take photographs and/or make audio and visual recordings of the event, and participants grant to ASCE the absolute right and permission to use any such photographs or recordings that may be taken during the event for any purpose in its sole discretion. *

Photos, video or audio recording(s) of any educational session is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from both ASCE/UESI and the session presenter(s). *

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